307.42: Primary Insomnia

A complaint of difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or non-restorative sleep that lasts for at least 1 month (Criterion A) and causes clinically significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning.

                                                            Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


It was so stupidly late

Yet she let herself stay up,

Surfing the channels

Like a refuge  

Searching for a long-lost family.


She held her life together

With a stack of little post-it notes  

She kept inside her bag

That was under a chair

Somewhere in the last bar.


Bars are filled with mirrors

Because there is never quite enough of us,

Because there is never enough noise,

And night after night, crowd after crowd

Our ancestors are always trying to sneak back

Into the shiny bright present.


The bartender restlessly cleans a glass,

Out of sorts that his life is

So emptied, so filled, so emptied.

Soon, when his shift is over

He will step into the night air,

Shrug his hands into his pockets

And no longer be a personality.


Finally, it was a relief

To meet ugly men

Because they would not ask her

To be someone else.

They too could be simple and grateful.


She wondered in those days,

As the City shook so vigorously

And was bathed in many glorious lights,

If anyone could ever speak to anyone again.

Shall we still scorn the anguish of the sparrows?


She cupped her heart in her hands

And offered it at each window

While the full but skeletal moon

Smiled and sailed on.


Oh City of the endless blinking tail lights,

Whose traffic gives and whose traffic takes away,

Can I trust myself into stillness

While you hum so tight around me?


When the all-night office cleaners

Haul out the trash from under

The desks of our endeavors,

I hear your wailing,

The ceaseless calling of unsolved needs,

Your savage intendedness.


And somewhere far ahead,

Out among the fading stars

Is the outline of the saintly figure

Who will one day cover you

With the long true branches

Of her sad, forgiving tears.


She closes the shades,

Forbids the rich dawn,

And sleeps.